Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, GommaireVerbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and Janssen-Janssen--Janssen.
Dorel Borlovan bought the entire loft of C.D.W.V Oostenbrugge's speed birdsto get his golden pair, a pair of birds that was quickly becoming famous forbreeding sprint champions and breeders of sprint champions.Dorel has also acquired complete rounds of the best from several of the topspeed lofts of Europe. Some of these lofts include: W. Klaverstijn, CombBleeker, and Joop Groenen.The International Breeding Station houses the greatest collect of sprintpigeons ever assembled in the history of our sport.
Dorel accomplished this with a commitment to acquiring the best and the integrity to form strong andlasting relations with Europes finest fanciers. Dorel continues to bewilling to spend his time and money to improve on the amazing collection hehas already put together. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngsters from the key sprintbird breeders will be available.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Vist our Website:
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciersDorel Borlovan International Breeding Station Phone: 1-916-388-1559
Racing Pigeons Racing pigeons-- Racing Pigeons Racing pigeons Racing Pigeons Racing pigeons-- Racing Pigeons Racing pigeons
The International Breeding Station is located in Sacramento California USA.The owner of the International Breeding Station is Dorel Borlovan.Dorel has spent the last several years building relationships with many ofthe best lofts in Europe. He has been willing to spend the time and money toacquire the finest collection of pigeons in the world today.
The birds at the to the International Breeding Station represent the bestavailable sprint birds, the best middle distance birds, and the best of longdistance birds available anywhere. Dorel brought the entire loft of Piet Lazeroms over 280 pigeons. Piet was recognized as having the best and purest Jan Aardens in the world.Not one bird was left behind. On Piet Lazeroms direction he bought three full rounds from the best of JanErnest over 200 pigeons. Both Jan Ernest and Piet Lazeroms both agreed thatthe cross between their two inbred families of pure Jan Aardens could produced a better Jan Aarden. He also purchased a complete round from thebest of Hugo Batenburg an amazing long distance champion that all of Europe is raving about.
The name Gommaire Verbruggen is synonymous with excellence. It has beensaid that Gommaire Verbruggen is the face of pigeon racing in Belgium.Dorels middle distance collection includes the best from GommaireVerbruggen and Frans Van Roey. Frans Van Roey owned the Godfather fromVerbruggen's Golden pair, a full brother of Verbruggen's Kletskop. Gommaire Verbruggen has created many outstanding breeders of winners forhimself and others. Dorel has spared no expense in acquiring the best of Gommaire Verbruggen'sand Frans Van Roey's pigeons. From Gommaire Verbruggen Dorel purchased brothers and sisters to the birds Gommaire Verbruggen put into stock for himself.
At Frans Van Roey's total sale Dorel Borlovan purchased sons and daughter and grandchildren from the Godfather to go with his very finecollect of Verbruggens direct from Gommaire Verbruggens best birds.
Dorel purchased a complete round from the best of Piet Van De Merwe.Said my most to be the most outstanding fancier in Europe today. Piet is thefather-in law to Hugo Batenburg. Dorel praised these two men, as not onlythe best in Europe in their areas of specialization Dorel said these two menwere men of refreshing integrity.
Dorel looks forward to the years that lieahead in his relationship with these two friends. From the birds of Flor Engels and Sons Dorel purchased one Son and 15grandchildren of their super breeder the 231. (31)Dorel's International Breeding Station bought two complete round from thebest of Marc Pollin. Marc is one of the best all around flyer in Belgium wasa great addition to the International Breeding Station. Marc flies hisfamily of birds 100-600 miles. Dorel purchased two full rounds from the bestof Marc Pollin. Marc flies in West Flander where the competition is verystiff in the last 15 years Marc Pollin has never been out of the top 5 loftsin Flanders.Dorel Borlovan bought the entire loft of C.D.W.V Oostenbrugges speed birdsto get his golden pair, a pair of birds that was quickly becoming famous forbreeding sprint champions and breeders of sprint champions.Dorel has also acquired complete rounds of the best from several of the topspeed lofts of Europe. These lofts include W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, andJoop Groenen.
The International Breeding Station houses the greatest collect of racingpigeons ever assembled in the history of our sport. Dorel accomplished this with a commitment to acquiring the best and the integrity to form strong andlasting relations with Europes finest fanciers. Dorel continues to bewilling to spend his time and money to improve on the amazing collection hehas already put together. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft.
However, a few 2007youngster are available from thebest of his families of birds. Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 1- 916-388-1559
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciers Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, GommaireVerbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and JanssenJanssen--Janssen.
4 LONG DISTANCE FANCIERSJan Aarden-- Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden.
The Jan Aardens have been sought the world over for there toughness andtenacity. The Jan Aardens also became the classic cross for the Janssens tocreate the best middle distance pigeons. No one made the power and courage that lies in the Jan Aardens more obvious to the pigeon world than PietLazeroms. After the untimely death of Piet Lazeroms in 2005 Dorel Borlovanof the International Breeding Station in the United States
Dorel acquired the entire collection of Pier Lazeroms Jan Aardens. Over 280 birds not one birdswas left behind. Dorel Borlovan's International Breeding Station also purchased an entire round from Jan Ernest's Jan Aarden family in 2004 and in 2005 on the adviseof both Piet Lazeroms and Jan Ernest. They both agreed that the two JanAarden families could create an improved pigeon. The birds were purchasedby Dorel for his own loft to fulfill his commitment he made to both JanErnest and Piet Lazeroms to do everything in his power to keep their work alive of producing better and better long distance pigeons.
In 2006 Dorel asked Hugo Batenburg if he would mate the best 15-20 pairs inhis loft and breed him a complete round from his best. Hugo already becominga fine friend of Dorel agreed. Dorel has two Grandsons and twogranddaughters of NL 1533120 the legendary Witbuik cock. This cock was oneof the best long distance breeders ever in Holland. Hugo and Dorel each bought a child from the Euro-diamond in 2006 a cock anda hen. Dorel's cock will have his first breeding year in Hugos Batenburg's breeding loft. Next year Mr. Brockamp has requested a particular HugoBatenburg hen he wants to mate with is Euro Diamond cock and it is from thismating that Hugo and Dorel will get their 2007 youngsters from Mr.Brockamp's special cock.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of both Piet Lazeroms, Jan Ernest and Hugo Batenburg.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559Email:
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciers: PIET LAZEROMSJAN AARDENS PIET LAZEROMS--
Dorel Borlovan of the International Breeding Station U.S.A.has purchased the entire loft of Piet Lazeroms over 280 pigeonsthe best JanAardens in the world not one bird was left behind.
PIET LAZEROMS the best Jan Aarden in the worldPiet Lazeroms Jan Aardens are responsible for 15 1st Nationals BarcelonaPiet Lazeroms bought out the best Jan Aarden lofts of his time Piet Lazeroms family of long distance thoroughbreds of the sky are the bestJan Aardens in the world. They are also the purest Jan Aardens in the world.
Untold numbers of great long distance champions owe their success to thePiet Lazeroms birds. When many won with his birds they told no one of theorigin of their success. This led to the Piet Lazeroms loft becoming knownaround the world as the ghost loft. After the untimely death of Piet Lazeromin May of 2005 Dorel Borlovan bought the entire collect of Piet Lazerom's Jan Aardens over 280 pigeons.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased for his own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from the best of the Piet Lazeroms pigeons.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.JAN ERNEST-JAN AARDENS
After Dorel purchased the entire collection of Piet Lazeroms, Piet had someserious advice for Dorel he told him to go to Jan Ernest and purchase acomplete round from his best and to do it three years in a row. Piet toldDorel that he would then posses the complete genetic pool of the amazing JanErnest family of inbred Jan Aardens. Piet told Dorel that both he and JanErnest agreed that these two pure Jan Aarden families would be the bestpossible cross that would allow Dorel to take each of the families of JanAardens to the next level.
Trusting and respecting Piet Lazerom completely Dorel followed his adviseand now over 200 from the best of Jan Ernest breeders call the InternationalBreeding Station home. Both champions agreed that the two Jan Aardenfamilies could create an improved pigeon. These birds were also purchasedby Dorel for his own loft and to fulfill the commitment he made to both JanErnest and Piet Lazeroms that he would do everything in his power to keeptheir work alive of producing better and better long distance Jan Aardens.Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of both the Piet Lazeroms and Jan Ernest pigeons.
Contact Dorel formore information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Website: www.ibspigeons.netAt the website you can learn much more about this fancier.HUGO BATTENBURGJAN AARDENS
In 2006 Dorel asked Hugo Batenburg if he would mate the best 15-20 pairs inhis loft and breed him a complete round from his best. Hugo already becominga fine friend of Dorel agreed. Dorel has two Grandsons and two granddaughters of NL 1533120 the legendary Witbuik cock. This cock was one of the best long distance breeders ever in Holland. Today the Witbuik lives on in his prodigy with many 1st national long distance winners.
To read moreabout the Hugo Batenburg family of birds and their amazing records go toDorel's web site under articles and get the details ofall the wins from this great family of pigeons.Hugo Batenburg's pigeons are a wonderful family of birds with amazingrecords. They are an excellent collection. They are amazing in the hand andseem to sparkle. These are birds anyone would be proud to own.
HugoBatenburg first flew with is father, a true champion. He later married thedaughter of Piet Van De Merwe. Piet's best pigeon in 2006 was a cross of thetwo families. Hugo and Dorel each bought a child from the Euro-diamond in2006 a cock and a hen. Dorel's cock will have his first breeding year inHugo's Batenburg's breeding loft. Next year Mr. Brockamp has requested aparticular Hugo Batenburg hen he wants to mate with is Euro Diamond cock andit is from this mating that Hugo and Dorel will get their 2007 youngstersfrom Mr. Brockamp's special cock.
Dorel said it has been such a joy to meet men with the integrity of HugoBatenburg and his father-in- law Piet Van De Merwe. That he is excited aboutwhat the future holds regarding the pigeons as these friendships grow anddeepen.
Dorel is committed to keeping this Jan Aarden genetic pool as good as it hasbeen made by the present day champions who have molded and where possiblemake improvements in this strain so that future generation of fanciers willhave access to the fine family of sky warriors. It is my opinion that neverin the history of our sport has such am amazing pool of quality pure JanAardens been assembled. This was accomplished with a powerful commitment tothe Aarden legacy involving both time and money.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the Hugo Batenburg pigeons.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Visit our Website:
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, GommaireVerbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and Janssen Janssen--Janssen.
MIDDLE DISTANCE FANCIERS Gommaire Verbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels andSons, Marc Pollin GOMMAIRE VERBRUGGEN Are the best and purest old line Verbruggens down from his golden pair in Belgium or the U.S.A. The name Gommaire Verbruggen is synonymous with excellence.
It has been said that Gommaire Verbruggen is the face of pigeon racing in Belgium.Gommaire Verbruggen has created many outstanding breeders of winners for himself and others. The "Godfather" of Frans Van Roey was a son of his goldenpair. Dorel has spared no expense in acquiring the best of Gommaire Verbruggen andFrans Van Roey pigeons.
From Gommaire Verbruggen Dorel purchased brothersand sisters to the birds Gommaire Verbruggen put into stock for himself. At Frans Van Roey's total sale Dorel Borlovan purchased sons and daughter and grandchildren from the Godfather to go with his very fine collect ofVerbruggen's direct from Gommaire Verbruggen's best birds. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Verbruggen pairs. You can reserve 2007 youngsters from thematings of your choice.
Contact Dorel for more information INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Visit Our Website:
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciers. FRANS VAN ROEY The great Middle distance loft of Fran Van Roey secured continuing fame whenhe purchased a full brother to Gommaire Verbruggen's famous Kletskop. Frans Van Roey has amazing results with the cock he purchased from GommaireVerbruggens spectacular Golden Pair. He named the cock the Godfather. In middle distance racing all of Europe is aware of the impact of Frans VanRoey's cock the "Godfather".
Many children and grandchildren of theGodfather are in the stock lofts of Europes fine lofts today. At Frans VanRoey's total sale Dorel Borlovan purchased sons and daughter and grandchildren from the godfather to go with his very fine collect of Verbruggen's direct from Gommaire Verbruggens best birds.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Van Roey Verbruggen's pairs.
You can reserve 2007 youngstersfrom the matings of your choice.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559Email:
Visit Our Website:
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciersPIET VAN DE MERWE
The name Piet Van De Merwe is whispered with awe in Europe. After sellinghis entire loft team in 1999. He was national champion the next year flyinglate hatches he bred for himself prior to the sale. In 2006 Dorel Borlovanwas able to secure a complete round of birds out of his very best includinga direct son of Sophie. Dorel recently made the same arrangement for a roundof 2007 youngsters from his best 15 pair. This is a wonderful collection. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Piet Van De Merwe pairs.
You can reserve 2007 youngstersfrom the matings of your choice.
Contact Dorel for more information INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Visit our web site at:
At the website you can learn much more about this fancierFLOR ENGELS AND SONS
For the last 50 years the loft of Flor Engels and his sons Jos and Jules hasbeen and continues to be one of the most famous middle distance lofts in allof Europe. Unlike some lofts that rise to fame on the back of one great pairand then soon fade away this family of pigeons has proven over an over againthat there is always another golden pair waiting in the wings to keep the famous loft on top.
From the Famous Witpender to the "231" most often referred to as just the "31" the great breeders just keep coming. The "31" has been declared by manyas the best middle distance breeder in the history of Belgium. The Though Flor Died in late 2002 the sons Jos and Jules Engels have continuedthe winning ways, they have not missed a beat.
To read more about this familyof birds go to our web site under articles and get thedetails of this truly great family of pigeons.Dorel Borlovan purchased 2 sons and 15 Grand Children of the 231 (31) alongwith other outstanding Birds from this family.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft.
However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Flor Engel and Sons pairs. You can reserve 2007 youngstersfrom the matings of your choice.
Contact Dorel for more informationINTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION Phone:
Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559Email:
At the website you can learn much more about these and other fanciers.MARC POLLIN - MARK POLLIN--
For last two years Dorel Borlovan of the International BreedingStation has purchased pigeons from Mark Pollin top breeders
Marc Pollin Story:
Marc Pollin's Success: Marc Pollin's family wins from 100 to 600 miles Marc Pollin in the Top Five in Flanders for the past 15 years Marc Pollin has a wonderful family of birds that fly very well in youngbirds and old birds winning from 100 to 600 miles.
This is a family ofpigeons that do excellent in futurity and one loft races. These birds aretruly unique and an important addition for the fancier with a big team and amust for the small team flyer.Mark Pollin flies in West Flander where the competition is very stiff in thelast 15 years Marc Pollin has never been out of the top 5 lofts in Flanders.
This is truly an amazing record that tells us of the excellence of MarkPollins family of pigeons. Everyone agrees that Marc Pollin is one of thebest all around flyer in Belgium today.Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Mark Pollin pairs.
Contact Dorel for more informationINTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559 Email:
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.MARC POLLIN--StoryMARK POLLIN--For last two years Dorel Borlovan of the International BreedingStation has purchased pigeons from Mark Pollin top breedersMarc Pollin has a wonderful family of birds that fly very well in youngbirds and old birds winning from 100 to 600 miles. This is a family ofpigeons that do excellent in futurity and one loft races.
These birds aretruly unique and an important addition for the fancier with a big team and amust for the small team flyer.Mark Pollin flies in West Flander where the competition is very stiff in thelast 15 years Marc Pollin has never been out of the top 5 lofts in Flanders.
This is truly an amazing record that tells us of the excellence of MarkPollin's family of pigeons. Everyone agrees that Marc Pollin is one of thebest all around flyer in Belgium today. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft.
However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Mark Pollin pairs.
Contact Dorel for more information contact the INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Website: www.ibspigeons.netAt the website you can learn much more about this fancier.Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, GommaireVerbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and JanssenJanssen--Janssen. ************************************************************************************
C. D. W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, C. D. W. V. OOSTENBURGGEC.D.W.V Oostenbrugge's birds are well known for their ability to quicklyorient and fly with amazing speed.
His golden pair was really making a namefor itself when Dorel Borlovan bought the entire loft so he could getOostenbrugge's Golden pair. Joop Groenen bred the hen of this pair. C. W. Oostenbrugge's golden pair is well known for breeding birds that quicklyorient and fly with superior speed. His family is based on Joop Groenensfamily of birds.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from the best of the key Oostenbrugge pairs.
Contact Dorel for more informationINTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Vist the Website:
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.
When we think pure speed--speed in orienting and speed on the wing we mustthink of the loft of W Klaverstijn. This family of Janssens is ideal forfuturity and one-loft races. Dorel Borlovan of the international Breeding Station USA purchased 40 plusbirds from W. Klaverstijn best breeders.
Speed in orienting and on the wing100-350 miles one of the top speed lofts in all of Europe. W Klaverstijn isa true champion. Time has shown this family to possess tremendous geneticqualities that are transmitted from generation to generation. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key W Klaverstijn pairs.
Contact Dorel for more information at the INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
Visit our website at
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.JOOP GROENEN SPEED AND CONSISTENCY Joop Groenen is another of the very few select small lofts that is alwaysseen at the top.
There have been many years of phenomenal racing results. Joop Groenen has only 6 pair of breeders, flies 25-30 young birds and keeponly 17-18 widowhood cocks and yet his name is known through Europe aspossessing superior pigeons. For three years in a row Dorel Borlovan of the International BreedingStation USA purchased a round from best breeders.
The hen of the famousgolden pair of C.D.W.V. Oostenbrugge was bred by Joop Groenen. Dorelpurchased the enter loft of Oostenburgge in 2004 Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Joop Groenen pairs.
Contact Dorel for more information at the INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
At the website you can learn much more about this fancier.COMB. BLEEKERComb.
Bleeker is one of the amazing stories of racing in Europe a very smallloft that never fails to place high in the final results. SpeedSpeedSpeed. The comb Bleeker family of Janssen's has been sought after inEurope for many years. Comb. Bleeker has only 8 pair of breeders 30 plus young birds and 15-20 widowhood cocks Dorel Borlovan of the International Breeding Station USA purchased an entireround from their best in 2001 including 2 grandchildren from their famousVan loon - Janssen Foundation cock De Romareo.
Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased forhis own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from thebest of the key Comb Bleeker pairs. Contact Dorel for more information. INTERNATIONAL BREEDING STATION
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 916-388-1559
At the website you can learn much more about these fanciers.Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, GommaireVerbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and JanssenJanssen--Janssen.
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